Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events: Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • I. Laptev was co-organizedr of BMVA Symposium on Video Understanding in London, September 2019.

  • P.-L. Guhur was co-organizer of Junior Conference on Data Science and Engineering at Paris-Saclay, September 2019.

Scientific Events: Selection

Area chairs
  • IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019 (I. Laptev).

  • Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019 (J. Sivic).

Member of the Conference Program Committees / Reviewer
  • IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019 (A. Miech, M. Tapaswi).

  • IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019 (A. Miech, M. Tapaswi).

  • Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019 (I. Laptev, I. Rocco, M. Tapaswi).

  • British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2019 (I. Rocco).

  • IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2019 (I. Laptev, J. Carpentier, J. Sivic, Y. Labbe).

  • IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019 (J. Carpentier, Y. Labbe, J. Sivic).


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • International Journal of Computer Vision (I. Laptev, J. Ponce, J. Sivic).

  • IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (I. Laptev, J. Sivic).

  • Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision (J. Ponce).

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • International Journal of Computer Vision (M. Tapaswi).

  • IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (I. Rocco).

  • IEEE Transactions on Robotics (J. Carpentier).

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (J. Carpentier).

  • Plos One (M. Tapaswi).

Invited Talks

  • I. Laptev, invited talk, AI Video Summit, FAIR, Los Angeles, June 2019.

  • I. Laptev, invited talk, ActivityNet CVPR Workshop, Long Beach, June 2019.

  • I. Laptev, keynote, AIST, Kazan, July 2019.

  • I. Laptev, invited talk, ELLIS Workshop, San Sebastian, September 2019.

  • I. Laptev, seminar, KTH, Stockholm, September 2019.

  • I. Laptev, invited talk, BMVA Symposium on Video Understanding, London, September 2019.

  • I. Laptev, invited talk, Qualcomm-UvA Deep Learning Seminars, Amsterdam, September 2019.

  • I. Laptev, invited talk, Extreme Vision ICCV Workshop, Seoul, October 2019.

  • I. Laptev, invited talk, CoVieW ICCV Workshop, Seoul, October 2019.

  • I. Laptev, invited talk, Hands in Action ICCV Workshop, Seoul, October 2019.

  • I. Laptev, keynote, DICTA, Perth, December 2019.

  • I. Laptev, invited talk, SkolTech, Moscow, December 2019.

  • J. Ponce, invited talk, Pavillon des Sciences CCI, Montbelliard, March 2019.

  • J. Ponce, invited talk, France is AI, Paris, Oct. 2019.

  • J. Ponce, invited talk, Ecole navale, Brest, Jan. 2019.

  • J. Sivic, Keynote, European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Prague, September 2019.

  • J. Sivic, Seminar on Weakly supervised learning for visual recognition, College de France, February 2019

  • J. Sivic, Invited speaker, ML in PL conference, Warsaw, November 2019

  • J. Sivic, Seminar, DeepMind, London, February 2019

  • J. Sivic, Talk at invited workshop of the ELLIS computer vision program, San Sebastian, September 2019

  • I. Rocco, invited talk, SMILE seminar at Télécom Paris, Paris, March 2019.

  • I. Rocco, seminar, IMAGINE group at ENPC, Paris, April 2019.

  • J-P. Laumond, invited talk, La robotique, Café Scientifique, Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, Paris, Janurary 2019.

  • J-P. Laumond, invited talk, Une machine peut-elle apprendre ?, Les Découvrades, Toulouse, February 2019.

  • J-P. Laumond, invited talk, La robotique : retour vers le réel, Théatre Tourski, Marseille, February 2019.

  • J-P. Laumond, invited talk, Robots, Exhibition opening, Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, Paris, March 2019.

  • J-P. Laumond, scientific talk, Robot Motion, Workshop on Robotics and Art, IEEE ICRA, Montreal, May 2019.

  • J-P. Laumond, scientific talk, Wording Robotics, Workshop on Rhetoric and Robotics, IEEE ICRA, Montreal, May 2019.

  • J-P. Laumond, scientific talk, Robotique et Biomécanique, Keynote, Congrès de physiologie, Montpellier, June 2019.

  • J-P. Laumond, scientific talk, Robotics and AI, Istituto di Robotica e Macchine Intelligenti Grand Opening, Roma, October 2019.

  • J. Carpentier, scientific talk, La robotique envisagée comme une science des données, CNRS Grenoble, January 2019.

  • J. Carpentier, scientific talk, La robotique envisagée comme une science des données, Inria Grenoble, February 2019.

  • J. Carpentier, scientific talk, Analytical Derivatives of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms, RSS, June 2019.

  • J. Carpentier, scientific talk, La robotique : la fabrique du mouvement artificiel, Journées DGDI Inria, Rocquencourt, November 2019.

  • M. Tapaswi, scientific talk, Understanding Humans and the Stories they Tell, LIMSI Paris, February 2019.

  • M. Tapaswi, scientific talk, Understanding Humans and the Stories they Tell, UPC Barcelona, August 2019.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Member of the advisory board for the IBM Watson AI Xprize (J. Ponce).

  • Member of the steering committee of France AI (J. Ponce).

  • Member of advisory board, Computer Vision Foundation (J. Sivic).

  • Board Member Deputy, European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems – ELLIS (J. Sivic)

Scientific Expertise

  • J. Ponce, coordinator of the AI theme for the joint French-American Committee on Science and Technology, 2018-.

  • I. Laptev, head of scientific board at VisionLabs, 2019-.

Research Administration

  • Member, Bureau du comité des projets, Inria, Paris (J. Ponce)

  • Member, Scientific academic council, PSL Research University (J. Ponce)

  • Member, Research representative committee, PSL Research University (J. Ponce).

  • Member of Inria Commission de développement technologique (CDT), 2012-2018 (J. Sivic).

  • Member of the Hiring Committee at Computer Science department, École normale supérieure (I. Laptev).