
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1A. Bostan, C.-P. Jeannerod, É. Schost.

    Solving structured linear systems with large displacement rank, in: Theoretical Computer Science, November 2008, vol. 407, no 1:3, p. 155–181.
  • 2N. Brisebarre, J.-M. Muller, A. Tisserand.

    Computing machine-efficient polynomial approximations, in: ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, June 2006, vol. 32, no 2, p. 236–256.
  • 3J. Detrey, F. de Dinechin.

    Parameterized floating-point logarithm and exponential functions for FPGAs, in: Microprocessors and Microsystems, Special Issue on FPGA-based Reconfigurable Computing, December 2007, vol. 31, no 8, p. 537–545.

  • 4G. Hanrot, V. Lefèvre, D. Stehlé, P. Zimmermann.

    Worst Cases of a Periodic Function for Large Arguments, in: Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH-18), IEEE computer society, 2007, p. 133–140.

  • 5G. Hanrot, D. Stehlé.

    Improved Analysis of Kannan's Shortest Lattice Vector Algorithm (Extended Abstract), in: Proceedings of Crypto 2007, LNCS, Springer, 2007, vol. 4622, p. 170–186.
  • 6C.-P. Jeannerod, G. Villard.

    Essentially optimal computation of the inverse of generic polynomial matrices, in: Journal of Complexity, 2005, vol. 21, no 1, p. 72–86.
  • 7P. Kornerup, C. Lauter, V. Lefèvre, N. Louvet, J.-M. Muller.

    Computing Correctly Rounded Integer Powers in Floating-Point Arithmetic, in: ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 2010, vol. 37, no 1, p. 4:1-4:23.
  • 8J.-M. Muller, N. Brisebarre, F. de Dinechin, C.-P. Jeannerod, V. Lefèvre, G. Melquiond, N. Revol, D. Stehlé, S. Torres.

    Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic, Birkhäuser Boston, December 2010, ISBN: 978-0-8176-4704-9.

  • 9N. Revol, K. Makino, M. Berz.

    Taylor models and floating-point arithmetic: proof that arithmetic operations are validated in COSY, in: Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 2005, vol. 64, p. 135–154.
  • 10F. de Dinechin, C. Lauter, J.-M. Muller.

    Fast and correctly rounded logarithms in double-precision, in: Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 2007, vol. 41, p. 85-102.
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journal

  • 16S. Boldo, J.-M. Muller.

    Exact and Approximated error of the FMA, in: IEEE Transactions on Computers, February 2011, vol. 60, no 2, p. 157-164. [ DOI : 10.1109/TC.2010.139 ]

  • 17X.-W. Chang, D. Stehlé, G. Villard.

    Perturbation Analysis of the QR Factor R in the Context of LLL Lattice Basis Reduction, in: Mathematics of Computation, 2012.

  • 18P. Collins, M. Niqui, N. Revol.

    A validated real function calculus, in: Mathematics in Computer Science, December 2011.

  • 19C.-P. Jeannerod, H. Knochel, C. Monat, G. Revy.

    Computing floating-point square roots via bivariate polynomial evaluation, in: IEEE Transactions on Computers, February 2011, vol. 60, no 2, p. 214-227. [ DOI : 10.1109/TC.2010.152 ]

  • 20C.-P. Jeannerod, N. Louvet, J.-M. Muller, A. Panhaleux.

    Midpoints and exact points of some algebraic functions in floating-point arithmetic, in: IEEE Transactions on Computers, February 2011, vol. 60, no 2, p. 228-241, Recherche en partie supportée par le "Pole de competitivite mondial" Minalogic et le projet ANR EVA-Flo.. [ DOI : 10.1109/TC.2010.144 ]

  • 21P. Kornerup, V. Lefèvre, N. Louvet, J.-M. Muller.

    On the Computation of Correctly-Rounded Sums, in: IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2011. [ DOI : 10.1109/TC.2011.27 ]

  • 22P. Kornerup, J.-M. Muller, A. Panhaleux.

    Performing Arithmetic Operations on Round-to-Nearest Representations, in: IEEE Transactions on Computers, February 2011, vol. 60, no 2, p. 282-291. [ DOI : 10.1109/TC.2010.134 ]

  • 23C. Ling, S. Liu, D. Stehlé.

    Decoding by Sampling: A Randomized Lattice Algorithm for Bounded Distance Decoding, in: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2011, p. 5933-5945.

  • 24H. D. Nguyen, N. Revol.

    Solving and Certifying the Solution of a Linear System, in: Reliable Computing, 2011, vol. 15, no 2, p. 120-131, The Reliable Computing journal has no more paper publication, only free, electronic publication..

  • 25G. Villard.

    Kaltofen's division-free determinant algorithm differentiated for matrix adjoint computation, in: Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2011, vol. 46, no 7, p. 773-790. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jsc.2010.08.012 ]

  • 26F. de Dinechin.

    Multiplication by rational constants, in: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. Part II, Express Briefs, 2012. [ DOI : 10.1109/TCSII.2011.2177706 ]

  • 27F. de Dinechin, C. Lauter, G. Melquiond.

    Certifying the floating-point implementation of an elementary function using Gappa, in: IEEE Transactions on Computers, February 2011, vol. 60, no 2, p. 242-253. [ DOI : 10.1109/TC.2010.128 ]

  • 28F. de Dinechin, B. Pasca.

    Designing Custom Arithmetic Data Paths with FloPoCo, in: IEEE Design and Test of Computers, July 2011, vol. 28, p. 18-27.


Invited Conferences

  • 29V. Lefèvre.

    Generating a Minimal Interval Arithmetic Based on GNU MPFR, in: Uncertainty modeling and analysis with intervals: Foundations, tools, applications (Dagstuhl Seminar 11371), Dagstuhl, Germany, I. E. Elishakoff, V. Kreinovich, W. Luther, E. D. Popova (editors), Dagstuhl Reports, Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, December 2011, vol. 1, 43 p, Abstract only. [ DOI : 10.4230/DagRep.1.9.26 ]


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 30N. Brisebarre, M. Joldes, P. Kornerup, É. Martin-Dorel, J.-M. Muller.

    Augmented precision square roots, 2-D norms, and discussion on correctly rounding x 2 +y 2 , in: 20th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH-20), Tübingen, Germany, IEEE Computer Society, July 2011, p. 23-30. [ DOI : 10.1109/ARITH.2011.13 ]

  • 31G. Hanrot, X. Pujol, D. Stehlé.

    Algorithms for the Shortest and Closest Lattice Vector Problems, in: IWCC 2011, China, 2011, p. 159-190.

  • 32G. Hanrot, X. Pujol, D. Stehlé.

    Analyzing Blockwise Lattice Algorithms using Dynamical Systems, in: CRYPTO 2011, United States, 2011, p. 447-464.

  • 33W. Hart, M. V. Hoeij, A. Novocin.

    Practical polynomial factoring in polynomial time., in: Proceedings of ISSAC 2011, United States, 2011, p. 163-170.

  • 34W. Hart, A. Novocin.

    Practical Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms for Polynomial Arithmetic, in: Proceedings of CASC 2011, Germany, 2011, p. 200-214.

  • 35M. V. Hoeij, J. Klüners, A. Novocin.

    Generating subfields, in: Proceedings of ISSAC 2011, United States, 2011, p. 345-352.

  • 36C.-P. Jeannerod, J. Jourdan-Lu, C. Monat, G. Revy.

    How to Square Floats Accurately and Efficiently on the ST231 Integer Processor, in: 20th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH), Tübingen, Germany, August 2011, p. 77-81. [ DOI : 10.1109/ARITH.2011.19 ]

  • 37C. Ling, S. Liu, L. Luzzi, D. Stehlé.

    Decoding by Embedding: Correct Decoding Radius and DMT Optimality, in: Proceedings of ISIT 2011, Russian Federation, 2011, p. 1106 - 1110.

  • 38C. Mouilleron, G. Revy.

    Automatic Generation of Fast and Certified Code for Polynomial Evaluation, in: 20th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH), Tübingen, Germany, August 2011, p. 233-242. [ DOI : 10.1109/ARITH.2011.39 ]

  • 39H. D. Nguyen, B. Pasca, T. Preusser.

    FPGA-Specific Arithmetic Optimizations of Short-Latency Adders, in: 2011 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), Chania, Greece, 2011, September 2011, p. 232 - 237. [ DOI : 10.1109/FPL.2011.49 ]

  • 40A. Novocin, D. Stehlé, G. Villard.

    An LLL-reduction algorithm with quasi-linear time complexity, in: STOC'11 - 43rd annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, San Jose, United States, ACM New York, NY, USA, 2011, p. 403-412. [ DOI : 10.1145/1993636.1993691 ]

  • 41D. Stehlé, R. Steinfeld.

    Making NTRU as secure as worst-case problems over ideal lattices, in: Proceedings of EUROCRYPT 2011, Estonia, 2011, p. 27-47.

  • 42G. Villard.

    Recent progress in linear algebra and lattice basis reduction (invited), in: ISSAC'11 - International symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation, San Jose, United States, ACM proceedings, 2011, p. 3-4. [ DOI : 10.1145/1993886.1993889 ]

  • 43F. de Dinechin.

    The arithmetic operators you will never see in a microprocessor, in: 20th IEEE Symposium of Computer Arithmetic, Germany, IEEE, July 2011, p. 189-190.

  • 44F. de Dinechin, L.-S. Didier.

    Table-based division by small integer constants, in: Applied Reconfigurable Computing, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, March 2012.


National Conferences with Proceeding

  • 46S. Collange.

    Une architecture unifiée pour traiter la divergence de contrôle et la divergence mémoire en SIMT, in: SYMPosium en Architectures, Saint-Malo, France, May 2011.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 47H. D. Nguyen, N. Revol.

    Refining and verifying the solution of a linear system, in: SNC 2011 - Symbolic Numeric Computation, San Jose, United States, ACM Digital Library, June 2011.

  • 48N. Revol, H. D. Nguyen.

    Refining and verifying efficiently the solution of a linear system, in: Dagstuhl Seminar 11371: Uncertainty modeling and analysis with intervals: Foundations, tools, applications, Dagstuhl, Germany, September 2011.

  • 49N. Revol.

    IEEE 1788 Working Group for the Standardization of Interval Arithmetic: a brief overview, in: Dagstuhl Seminar 11371: Uncertainty modeling and analysis with intervals: Foundations, tools, applications, Dagstuhl, Germany, September 2011.

  • 50N. Revol.

    Verified Numerical Linear Algebra: Linear System Solving, in: 2011 SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, Raleigh, United States, October 2011.


Internal Reports

References in notes
  • 67E. Kaltofen, G. Villard.

    On the complexity of computing determinants, in: Computational Complexity, 2004, vol. 13, p. 91–130.
  • 68J.-M. Muller.

    Elementary Functions, Algorithms and Implementation, Birkhäuser Boston, 2nd Edition, 2006.
  • 69F. de Dinechin, A. Tisserand.

    Multipartite table methods, in: IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2005, vol. 54, no 3, p. 319-330.