Section: Members
Research Scientists
Nicolas Brisebarre [Junior Researcher CNRS]Laurent-Stéphane Didier [Associate Professor (Univ. Paris 6), sabbatical, since September 2011, HdR]
Claude-Pierre Jeannerod [Junior Researcher INRIA]
Fabien Laguillaumie [Junior Researcher CNRS (on partial secondment), since September 2011, HdR]
Vincent Lefèvre [Junior Researcher INRIA]
Micaela Mayero [Junior Researcher INRIA (on partial secondment), since September 2011]
Jean-Michel Muller [Senior Researcher CNRS, HdR]
Nathalie Revol [Junior Researcher INRIA]
Damien Stehlé [Junior Researcher CNRS, HdR]
Gilles Villard [Senior Researcher CNRS, HdR]
Faculty Members
Sylvain Collange [ATER ENS de Lyon, until September 2011]Florent de Dinechin [Team leader, Associate Professor ENS de Lyon, HdR]
Eleonora Guerrini [ATER ENS de Lyon, since September 2011]
Guillaume Hanrot [Professor ENS de Lyon, HdR]
Nicolas Louvet [Associate Professor UCBL]
Ioana Pasca [ATER ENS de Lyon, since September 2011]
Technical Staff
Honoré Takeugming [Engineer on the ANR TCHATER project, until 16/01/2011]Serge Torres [Technical Staff, 40% on the project]
PhD Students
Nicolas Brunie [CIFRE grant (Kalray), 2nd year]Mioara Joldeş [Allocataire-moniteur, Région Rhône-Alpes grant, thesis defended on September 26, 2011]
Jingyan Jourdan-Lu [CIFRE grant (STMicroelectronics), 3rd year —maternity leave from November 2010 to May 2011]
Adeline Langlois [Élève Normalienne, ENS Cachan, cotutelle with Macquarie University, 1st year, since September 2011]
Érik Martin-Dorel [MESR grant, 3rd year]
Ivan Morel [Allocataire-moniteur, ENS grant, cotutelle with the University of Sydney, 4th year, until August 31, 2011]
Christophe Mouilleron [Allocataire-moniteur, ENS grant, thesis defended on November 4, 2011]
Hong Diep Nguyen [INRIA grant, thesis defended on January 18, 2011]
Adrien Panhaleux [Allocataire-moniteur, ENS grant, 4th year]
Bogdan Pasca [Allocataire-moniteur, MESR grant, thesis defended on September 21, 2011]
David Pfannholzer [MEFI grant, 2nd year]
Xavier Pujol [Allocataire-moniteur, ENS grant, 3rd year]
Philippe Théveny [Contrat doctoral, 1st year, since October 2011]
Post-Doctoral Fellows
Marc Mezzarobba [PostDoc INRIA, since December 2011]Andrew Novocin [PostDoc ENS Lyon, until August 31, 2011]
Álvaro Vázquez Álvarez [PostDoc INRIA, until 31/03/2011]