Section: Overall Objectives


The overall objective of the PERCEPTION group is to develop theories, models, methods, and systems allowing computers to see, to hear and to understand what they see and what they hear. A major difference between classical computer systems and computer perception systems is that while the former are guided by sets of mathematical and logical rules, the latter are governed by the laws of nature. It turns out that formalizing interactions between an artificial system and the physical world is a tremendously difficult task.

A first objective is to be able to gather images and videos with one or several cameras, to calibrate them, and to extract 2D and 3D geometric information. This is difficult because the cameras receive light stimuli and these stimuli are affected by the complexity of the objects (shape, surface, color, texture, material) composing the real world. The interpretation of light in terms of geometry is also affected by the fact that the three dimensional world projects onto two dimensional images and this projection alters the Euclidean nature of the observed scene.

A second objective is to gather sounds using several microphones, to localize and separate sounds composed of several auditory sources, and to analyse and interpret them. Sound localization, separation and recognition is difficult, especially in the presence of noise, reverberant rooms, competing sources, overlap of speech and prosody, etc.

A third objective is to analyse articulated and moving objects. Solutions for finding the motion fields associated with deformable and articulated objects (such as humans) remain to be found. It is necessary to introduce prior models that encapsulate physical and mechanical features as well as shape, aspect, and behaviour. The ambition is to describe complex motion as “events” at both the physical level and at the semantic level.

A fourth objective is to combine vision and hearing in order to disambiguate situations when a single modality is not sufficient. In particular we are interested in defining the notion of audio-visual object (AVO) and to deeply understand the mechanisms allowing to associate visual data with auditory data.

A fifth objective is to build vision systems, hearing systems, and audio-visual systems able to interact with their environment, possibly in real-time. In particular we are interested in building the concept of an audio-visual robot that communicates with people in the most natural way.