Section: Dissemination

Popularization and Outreach

Popular Science Publications

Pierre-Yves Oudeyer published a popular science book entitled "Aux sources de la parole" at Odile Jacob, http://www.pyoudeyer.com/AuxSourcesDeLaParole.htm

Popular Science Radio Broadcast

PY Oudeyer participated to several popular science radio broadcast:

France Culture (28th october 2013), La parole et l'ordinateur, Interview avec Stéphane Delogeorges, émission Continent Sciences. http://www.franceculture.fr/emission-continent-sciences-la-parole-et-l-ordinateur-2013-10-28

France Inter (27 octobre) Le langage: une auto-organisation ? Interview avec Stéphane Paoli, émission 3D, le journal. http://www.franceinter.fr/emission-3d-le-journal-ou-va-lhumanite-et-langage-une-auto-organisation

RFI (Sept. 2013) Comment s'invente le langage ? (Interview 55 mn), Emission "Autour de la question" de Caroline Lachowsky.http://www.rfi.fr/emission/20130909-1-comment-s-invente-le-langage

Popular Science Talks

Musée des Arts et Métiers (7 nov. 2013) Aux sources de la parole, Parole d'auteurs, rencontre avec PY Oudeyer animée par Daniel Fiévet (France Inter).

Museum Exhibitions, Science Festivals and Public Demonstrations


Kidlearn have been presented on Educatec-Educatice exhibition the 20,21 and 22 November 2013. This exhibition was held in Paris and grouped together 220 education professional and more than 12000 visitors. It was an opportunity to present Kidlearn project and create contact for potential partnership.

Cap Sciences exhibition on “Brain and Cognition”

Cap Sciences is an organization in Bordeaux to promote and to communicate about science to the public. Cap Sciences is preparing an exhibit about the brain starting in February 2013. The Flowers team will contribute to this exposition by setting up a booth to explain the complexity of the processing required for intelligent artificial systems (e.g. robots) to transform observations from the environment to actions done in this environment, such processing being done continuously by all living beings, most notably by nervous systems and brains. To explain this idea, the Flowers team is working on a game for the visitors of the exhibit: a player has to drive forward a mobile robot, specifically an iRobot Roomba, while avoiding obstacles. The difficulty for the visitor in this game is that the player is not able to watch the robot in its environment: the player has to control it using only the sensory-information displayed on a computer screen. The player wins when the robot has traveled a given distance in a straight line and in limited time without bumping into an obstacle. This exhibit will start in February 2013 and last for a year. After that, it may move to different locations. More than 100,000 visitors are expected in Cap Sciences, half of them will come from elementary schools. The data generated by the robot and the visitors will be logged and will be available for research on life long learning with robots.


Poppy and Kidlearn have been presented in the NOVAQT exhibition the 5, 6 and 7 December 2013. This exhibition was held in Bordeaux and brought together a selection of 108 innovations created in the region Aquitaine. It was a chance to present our research to 3 different public: industry, education and general public. Feedbacks were very enthusiastic and we have found several potential collaborations with local actors.

Fète de la science

On october 13th, the team organised robotics demonstrations for the "Fete de la science" in ENSTA ParisTech. We demontrated physical human-robot interaction using the Meka robot, object segmentation and recognition through a Kinect camera and navigation and mapping with a Pioneer robot. Around 300 people participated in the event.

Education towards the younger

The team also initiated the development of educational activities in "écoles primaires" et "collèges" to have kids discover robotics and programming, as well as ran experiments in "école primaires" in Aquitaine to test novel educational software to help children learn mathematics, and developped within the KidLearn ADT project. This was achieved thanks to the arrival of Didier Roy, former math teacher in college, in the team. Our mediation of robotics activities aim primarily at students, teachers and schools. We focused on three approaches :

  • A website, consisting of video presentation of researchers Flowers team, news related to robotics , questions / answers, ready activities for teachers for their students , a directory of links, videos, and pages for “robotics in schools stories " where teachers and students come to post texts, photos and videos to show what happens in robotics in their establishments. A forum is available for researchers to ask questions. We also test robotic kits to be able to provide advices on choices.

  • Direct support of schools . For example, we went to Nevers in high school Follereau present what robotics is, interact with students, discuss robotic upcoming events in their school. We subsequently asked to provide technical assistance in the context of robotic operations in the school. We offer activities and we provide technical and educational advice. We move, if needed, in schools or propose meetings by videoconference .

  • We formed a working group of a dozen people, most of whom are teachers in primary and secondary and special education (training for disabled adults returning to education ) . This group meets regularly to discuss activities, share experiences within schools and consider a robotic curriculum from primary to the end of schooling.

We also participated in Educatec- Educatice event in Paris where education professionals told great interest in robotic activities in education. We participated in the symposium Didacstic didapro in Clermont -Ferrand, about mediation of digital sciences . We worked with cluster Aquitaine Robotics to develop a reflection on the teaching of robotics.

Press, TV and Web coverage
