IMARA - 2013
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Overall Objectives

Highlights of the Year

  • The Grand Prix National de l’Ingénierie 2013 (Grand National Engineering Award 2013 (http://www.cgedd.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/le-grand-prix-national-de-l-r159.html )) has been awarded to AKKA Technologies and Inria for the Link & Go project: the first dual-mode concept for an electric vehicle.

  • Best paper award for the paper entitled "ABV- A Low Speed Automation Project to Study the Technical Feasibility of Fully Automated Driving" [41] at the workshop on Mobility Assistance and Service Robotics (November 9th, 2013, Kumamoto, Japan).

  • Carrefour du PREDIT 2013 Prize: Fawzi Nashashibi was the winner of the Carrefour du PREDIT 2013 for the project SPEEDCAM he coordinated (Speed limit determination using camera and maps). The other partners of this 3-years ANR-DEUFRAKO project are: ARMINES, VALEO, DAIMLER, HOSCHULE AALEN.

  • As a member of the Robotics Theme in the field "perception, cognition and interaction" at Inria, IMARA passed successfully the evaluation of the theme organized in March 2013. The evaluation committee was composed of international experts from both academia and industrial backgrounds.