
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1J. Ardouin, A. Lécuyer, M. Marchal, C. Riant, E. Marchand.

    ”FlyVIZ”: A Novel Display Device to Provide Humans with 360o Vision by Coupling Catadioptric Camera with HMD, in: ACM Symp. on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, VRST'12, 2012.

  • 2Q. Avril, V. Gouranton, B. Arnaldi.

    Collision Detection: Broad Phase Adaptation from Multi-Core to Multi-GPU Architecture, in: Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, July 2014, vol. 6, no 11, pp. 1-13.

  • 3G. Cirio, M. Marchal, S. Hillaire, A. Lécuyer.

    Six Degrees-of-Freedom Haptic Interaction with Fluids, in: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2011, vol. 17, no 11, pp. 1714-1727.

  • 4F. Danieau, J. Fleureau, P. Guillotel, N. Mollet, M. Christie, A. Lécuyer.

    Toward Haptic Cinematography: Enhancing Movie Experience with Haptic Effects based on Cinematographic Camera Motions, in: IEEE MultiMedia, January 2014.

  • 5L. Glondu, M. Marchal, G. Dumont.

    Real-Time Simulation of Brittle Fracture using Modal Analysis, in: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2012, vol. 19, no 2, pp. 201-209.

  • 6T. Lopez, R. Bouville Berthelot, E. Loup-Escande, F. Nouviale, V. Gouranton, B. Arnaldi.

    Exchange of avatars : Toward a better perception and understanding, in: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, March 2014, pp. 1-10.

  • 7T. Lopez, P. Chevaillier, V. Gouranton, P. Evrard, F. Nouviale, M. Barange, R. Bouville Berthelot, B. Arnaldi.

    Collaborative Virtual Training with Physical and Communicative Autonomous Agents, in: Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, May 2014, pp. 1-9.

  • 8A. Lécuyer.

    Simulating Haptic Feedback Using Vision: A Survey of Research and Applications of Pseudo-haptic Feedback, in: Presence: Teleoper. Virtual Environ., 2009, vol. 18, no 1, pp. 39–53.

  • 9A. Lécuyer, L. George, M. Marchal.

    Toward Adaptive VR Simulators Combining Visual, Haptic, and Brain-Computer Interfaces, in: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, September 2013, vol. 33, no 5, pp. 18-23. [ DOI : 10.1109/MCG.2013.80 ]

  • 10Y. Renard, F. Lotte, G. Gibert, M. Congedo, E. Maby, V. Delannoy, O. Bertrand, A. Lécuyer.

    OpenViBE: An Open-Source Software Platform to Design, Test and Use Brain-Computer Interfaces in Real and Virtual Environments, in: Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 2010, vol. 19, no 1, pp. 35-53.

Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 12Q. Avril, V. Gouranton, B. Arnaldi.

    Collision Detection: Broad Phase Adaptation from Multi-Core to Multi-GPU Architecture, in: Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, July 2014, vol. 6, no 11, pp. 1-13.

  • 13E. Chapoulie, M. Marchal, E. Dimara, M. Roussou, J.-C. Lomardo, G. Drettakis.

    Evaluation of Direct Manipulation using Finger Tracking for Complex Tasks in an Immersive Cube, in: Virtual Reality, August 2014.

  • 14F. Danieau, J. Fleureau, P. Guillotel, N. Mollet, M. Christie, A. Lécuyer.

    Toward Haptic Cinematography: Enhancing Movie Experience with Haptic Effects based on Cinematographic Camera Motions, in: IEEE MultiMedia, January 2014.

  • 15T. Duval, T. T. H. Nguyen, C. Fleury, A. Chauffaut, G. Dumont, V. Gouranton.

    Improving Awareness for 3D Virtual Collaboration by Embedding the Features of Users' Physical Environments and by Augmenting Interaction Tools with Cognitive Feedback Cues, in: Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, June 2014, vol. 8, no 2, pp. 187-197. [ DOI : 10.1007/s12193-013-0134-z ]

  • 16R. Gaugne, V. Gouranton, G. Dumont, A. Chauffaut, B. Arnaldi.

    Immersia, an open immersive infrastructure: doing archaeology in virtual reality, in: Archeologia e Calcolatori, supplemento 5, 2014, pp. 1-10.

  • 17L. Glondu, S. C. Schvartzman, M. Marchal, G. Dumont, M. A. Otaduy.

    Fast Collision Detection for Fracturing Rigid Bodies, in: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, January 2014, vol. 20, no 1, pp. 30-41. [ DOI : 10.1109/TVCG.2013.98 ]

  • 18D. A. Gómez Jáuregui, F. Argelaguet Sanz, A.-H. Olivier, M. Marchal, F. Multon, A. Lécuyer.

    Toward "Pseudo-Haptic Avatars": Modifying the Visual Animation of Self-Avatar Can Simulate the Perception of Weight Lifting, in: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, April 2014, pp. 654-661. [ DOI : 10.1109/TVCG.2014.45 ]

  • 19T. Lopez, R. Bouville Berthelot, E. Loup-Escande, F. Nouviale, V. Gouranton, B. Arnaldi.

    Exchange of avatars : Toward a better perception and understanding, in: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, March 2014, pp. 1-10.

  • 20T. Lopez, P. Chevaillier, V. Gouranton, P. Evrard, F. Nouviale, M. Barange, R. Bouville Berthelot, B. Arnaldi.

    Collaborative Virtual Training with Physical and Communicative Autonomous Agents, in: Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, May 2014, pp. 1-9.

  • 21A. Talvas, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer.

    A Survey on Bimanual Haptic Interaction, in: Haptics, IEEE Transactions on, April 2014, 16 p. [ DOI : 10.1109/TOH.2014.2314456 ]


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 23J. Ardouin, A. Lécuyer, M. Marchal, E. Marchand.

    Stereoscopic Rendering of Virtual Environments with Wide Field-of-Views up to 360◦, in: IEEE VR'14- IEEE Virtual Reality, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, March 2014.

  • 24F. Argelaguet Sanz.

    Adaptive Navigation for Virtual Environments, in: IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, Minneapolis, United States, March 2014, pp. 91-94.

  • 25F. Argelaguet Sanz, T. Sato, T. Duval, Y. Kitamura, A. Lécuyer.

    Collaborative Pseudo-Haptics: Two-User Stiffness Discrimination Based on Visual Feedback, in: Eurohaptics 2014, Versailles, France, 2014, pp. 49 - 54. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-662-44196-1_7 ]

  • 26J.-B. Barreau, Y. Bernard, Q. Petit, L. Beuchet, E. Petit, V. Platen, R. Gaugne, J. Le Rumeur, V. Gouranton.

    Combination of 3D Scanning, Modeling and Analyzing Methods around the Castle of Coatfrec Reconstitution, in: EuroMed - International Conference on Culturage Heritage, Lemessos, Cyprus, November 2014, pp. 418 - 426. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-13695-0_40 ]

  • 27J.-B. Barreau, R. Gaugne, Y. Bernard, G. Le Cloirec, V. Gouranton.

    Virtual reality tools for the West Digital Conservatory of Archaeological Heritage, in: ACM/IEEE Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC), France, April 2014, pp. 1-4.

  • 28J.-B. Barreau, T. Nicolas, G. Bruniaux, E. Petit, Q. Petit, Y. Bernard, R. Gaugne, V. Gouranton.

    Ceramics Fragments Digitization by Photogrammetry, Reconstructions and Applications, in: EuroMed - International Conference on Culturage Heritage, Lemessos, Cyprus, November 2014.

  • 29R. Bouville Berthelot, T. Lopez, F. Nouviale, V. Gouranton.

    An interaction abstraction model for seamless avatar exchange in CVET, in: 2014 International Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Environments (3DCVE), Minneapolis, United States, IEEE VR, March 2014.

  • 30G. Claude, V. Gouranton, R. Bouville Berthelot, B. Arnaldi.

    Short Paper: #SEVEN, a Sensor Effector Based Scenarios Model for Driving Collaborative Virtual Environment, in: ICAT-EGVE, International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, Bremen, Germany, T. Nojima, D. Reiners, O. Staadt (editors), December 2014, pp. 1-4.

  • 31T. Duval, A. Blouin, J.-M. Jézéquel.

    When Model Driven Engineering meets Virtual Reality: Feedback from Application to the Collaviz Framework, in: Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems Working Group, Minnesota, United States, March 2014.

  • 32F. Grani, F. Argelaguet Sanz, V. Gouranton, M. Badawi, R. Gaugne, S. Serafin, A. Lécuyer.

    Audio-Visual Attractors for Capturing Attention to the Screens When Walking in CAVE Systems, in: Sonic interaction with a virtual orchestra of factory machinery, Minneapolis, United States, IEEE VR, March 2014, pp. 1-4.

  • 33J. Lacoche, T. Duval, B. Arnaldi, E. Maisel, J. Royan.

    A survey of plasticity in 3D user interfaces, in: 7th Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems, Minneapolis, United States, IEEE, March 2014.

  • 34M. Le Chénéchal, B. Arnaldi, T. Duval, V. Gouranton, J. Royan.

    From 3D Bimanual Toward Distant Collaborative Interaction Techniques: An Awareness Issue, in: 2014 International Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Environments (3DCVE), Minneapolis, United States, IEEE VR, March 2014.

  • 35M. Le Chénéchal, M. Marchal, B. Arnaldi.

    Poster: Bimanual design of deformable objects thanks to the multi-tool visual metaphor, in: IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, Minneapolis, United States, March 2014. [ DOI : 10.1109/3DUI.2014.6798874 ]

  • 36J. Mercier-Ganady, F. Lotte, E. Loup-Escande, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer.

    The Mind-Mirror: See Your Brain in Action in Your Head Using EEG and Augmented Reality, in: IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), Minneapolis, United States, IEEE, March 2014.

  • 37T. T. H. Nguyen, T. Duval.

    A Survey of Communication and Awareness in Collaborative Virtual Environments, in: 2014 International Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Environments (3DCVE), Minneapolis, United States, IEEE, March 2014.

  • 38T. T. H. Nguyen, T. Duval, C. Pontonnier.

    A New Direct Manipulation Technique for Immersive 3D Virtual Environments, in: ICAT-EGVE 2014 : the 24th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and the 19th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, Bremen, Germany, December 2014, 8 p.

  • 39T. Nicolas, R. Gaugne, C. Tavernier, V. Gouranton, B. Arnaldi.

    Preservative Approach to Study Encased Archaeological Artefacts, in: EuroMed - International Conference on Culturage Heritage, Lemessos, Cyprus, November 2014, pp. 332 - 341. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-13695-0_32 ]

  • 40C. Pontonnier, T. Duval, G. Dumont.

    Collaborative Virtual Environments for Ergonomics: Embedding the Design Engineer Role in the Loop, in: 2014 International Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Environments (3DCVE), Minneapolis, United States, IEEE, March 2014.

  • 41L. Royer, M. Marchal, A. Le Bras, G. Dardenne, A. Krupa.

    Interactive Tracking of Soft Tissues in 2D Ultrasound Images, in: SURGETICA 2014, Chambery, France, December 2014.

  • 42L. Royer, M. Marchal, A. Le Bras, G. Dardenne, A. Krupa.

    Tracking of Deformable Target in 2D Ultrasound Images, in: SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, Orlando, United States, February 2015.

  • 43L. S. R. Simon, F. Nouviale, R. Gaugne, V. Gouranton.

    Sonic interaction with a virtual orchestra of factory machinery, in: Sonic Interaction for Virtual Environments, Minneapolis, United States, March 2014, pp. 1-6.

  • 44L. Webb, J. Legény, R. Leeb, A. Lécuyer.

    Dual-Frequency SSVEP Stimulation Using a Stereoscopic Display, in: 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, Graz, Austria, 2014.


Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 45L. George, A. Lécuyer.

    Passive Brain-Computer Interfaces, in: Guide to Brain-Computer Music Interfacing, E. R. Miranda, J. Castet (editors), Springer, 2014, pp. 297-308. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-1-4471-6584-2_13 ]


Internal Reports

  • 46E. Loup-Escande, A. Lécuyer.

    Towards a user-centred methodological framework for the design and evaluation of applications combining brain-computer interfaces and virtual environments: contributions of ergonomics, March 2014, no RR-8505, 41 p.


Other Publications

References in notes
  • 49D. A. Bowman, E. Kruijff, J. J. LaViola, I. Poupyrev.

    3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practice, Addison Wesley, 2004.
  • 50A. Lécuyer.

    Simulating Haptic Feedback Using Vision: A Survey of Research and Applications of Pseudo-Haptic Feedback, in: Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, January 2009, vol. 18, no 1, pp. 39–53.
