Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria International Labs
iCeiRA (International Center of Excellence in Intelligent Robotics and Automation Research.) international robotics laboratory led by Prof Ren Luo from NTU (Taiwan). Christian Laugier (Inria) and Raja Chatila (UPMC & CNRS) have actively participated to the starting of this laboratory in 2012 and are external Principal Investigators.
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
The associate team project is a Robotic project. The aim of the project is to propose a self-adaptive system of perception combined with a system of autonomous navigation. Usually, systems of perception rely on a set of specific sensors and a calibration is done in a specific environment. We propose to develop some methods to make perception systems adaptive to the environmental context and to the set of sensors used. This perception, that can be embedded on the mobile robot as well as on home structures (wall, ceiling, floor), will be helpful to localize agents (people, robot) present in the scene. Moreover, it will give information to better understand social scenes. All information will be used by the navigation system to move with a behavior that fit the context.
Informal International Partners
Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (USA)
Subject: Decentralized Control of Markov Decision Processes.
Participation In other International Programs
IEEE Robotics and Automation. Christian Laugier is member of several IEEE committees, in particular: IROS Steering committee, co-chair of Technical Committee on Autonomous Ground vehicles and Intelligent Transport Systems, Steering committee and Senior Editor of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. Olivier Simonin is member of the TC on Multi-Robot Systems (MRS).