Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
General chair, scientific chair
C. Laugier was General Chair (with Ph. Bidaud as co-Chair) of the IEEE ARSO conference "The 2015 IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts”.
C. Laugier is a member of the Advisory / Steering Committee of IEEE/RSJ IROS conference.
C. Laugier was co-organizer of the workshop "7th Workshop on Planning, Perception and Navigation for Inteligent Vehicles", IROS 2015, Hamburg, September 2015 ( 160 attendees).
O. Simonin was co-organizer of the Workshop DEMUR "On-line decision-making in multi-robot coordination”, IROS 2015, Hamburg, October 2015.
O. Simonin was co-Chair of CAR 2015 "The 10th National Conference Control Architectures of Robots”, Lyon, July 2015.
Member of the organizing committees
C. Laugier is a member of the Advisory / Steering Committee of IEEE/RSJ IROS conference.
C. Laugier is a member of the Editorial Board of the JSME Robomech Journal.
O. Simonin was Local arrangement chair of the IEEE ARSO conference.
O. Simonin was Chair (with J. Ponge) of the organization committee of CAR 2015.
O. Simonin and J. Saraydaryan were members of the organization committee of the Colloque Jacques Cartier "Robotique, Services et Santé", 31.10-1.11, 2015.
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference program committees
C. Laugier was Associate Editor for the IEEE/RSJ IROS 2015 and 2016 conferences.
C. Laugier was Associate Editor for the IEEE ICRA 2015 and 2016 conferences.
Jilles S. Dibangoye was Program Committee member of the following conferences:
O. Simonin was Program Committee member for IFAC/ACM ICINCO (International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics)
O. Simonin is Program Committee member of the JFSMA conference since 2008 (Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents).
A. Martinelli served, in quality of reviewer, at the following international conferences: ICRA 2015, IROS 2015, ICUAS 2015, ACC 2015
O. Simonin served, in quality of reviewer, at the following international conferences : IROS 2015, ICRA 2015.
Member of the editorial boards
C. Laugier is a member of the Editorial Board of the JSME Robomech Journal.
C. Laugier is a member of the Editorial Board of the new IEEE Journal "Transaction of Intelligent Vehicles". He is member of the Steering Committee of the Journal and Senior Editor.
O. Simonin was member of the editorial board of Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal, for the Volume 75 Part A "Assistance and Service Robotics in a Human Environment", Jan. 2016.
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
A. Martinelli served, in quality of reviewer, for the following journals: Foundation and Trend in Robotics, Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering
Jilles S. Dibangoye served as a reviewer for the following journals: Journal on Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ), IEEE Transactions on Robotics (TRO).
O. Simonin serves, in quality of reviewer, for the RIA revue (Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle).
Invited talks
C. Laugier was invited to give a talk at IET Workshop on "Autonomous Vehicles: from the theory to full scale applications", Novotel Paris Les Halles, Paris, June 18th 2015.
Talk title: Risk Assessment and Decision-making for Safe Vehicle Navigation under Uncertainty.
C. Laugier was invited to give a talk at RII "Smart Cities & Mobility Innovations", San Francisco, May 11th 2015.
Talk title: Bayesian Perception and Decision for Intelligent Mobility.
C. Laugier was invited to give a talk at Google Self-Driving Cars, Mountain View, May 12th 2015.
Talk title: Bayesian Perception and Decision for next Cars Generation.
C. Laugier was invited to give a Keynote talk at PPNIV-7 workshop, IEEE/RSJ IROS 2015, Hamburg, September 28th 2015.
Talk title: Embedded Bayesian Perception and Risk Assessment for ADAS and Autonomous Cars.
O. Simonin was invited to give a talk at JNRR 2015, Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique, October 21-23, Cap Hornu.
A. Spalanzani was invited to give a talk at the Colloque Jacques Cartier "Robotique, Services et Santé", 30th-1st of november/december, Lyon.
Leadership within the scientific community
C. Laugier has been invited as co-author (with Alberto Broggi, Alex Zelinsky and Umit Ozguner) for the Chapter 62 on "Intelligent Vehicles" of the 2nd edition of the Handbook of Robotics (to appear on March 2016).
Scientific expertise
Research administration
C. Laugier is a member of several Ministerial and Regional French Committees on Robotics and Autonomous Cars.
O. Simonin is member of the Rhone-Alpes Robotics cluster (Coboteam), for Inria and INSA de Lyon entities.
A. Martinelli carried out the activity of leader for the ANR project VIMAD
A. Martinelli carried out the activity of leader for the CARNOT project SEDIA