
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 5F. Boussuge, J.-C. Léon, S. Hahmann, L. Fine.

    Idealized Models for FEA Derived from Generative Modeling Processes Based on Extrusion Primitives, in: Engineering with Computers, 2015, vol. 31, pp. 513-527. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-02335-9_8 ]

  • 6B. Dalstein, R. Ronfard, M. Van De Panne.

    Vector Graphics Animation with Time-Varying Topology, in: ACM transactions on Graphics, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH, August 2015, 12 p.

  • 7A. H. Dicko, N. Tong-Yette, B. Gilles, F. Faure, O. Palombi.

    Construction and Validation of a Hybrid Lumbar Spine Model For the Fast Evaluation of Intradiscal Pressure and Mobility, in: International Journal of Medical, Health, Biomedical, Bioengineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering, February 2015, vol. 9, no 2, pp. 134-145.

  • 8A. Emilien, U. Vimont, M.-P. Cani, P. Poulin, B. Benes.

    WorldBrush: Interactive Example-based Synthesis of Procedural Virtual Worlds, in: ACM transactions on Graphics, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH, August 2015, vol. 34, no 4, 11 p. [ DOI : 10.1145/2766975 ]

  • 9M. Guay, R. Ronfard, M. Gleicher, M.-P. Cani.

    Space-time sketching of character animation, in: ACM transactions on Graphics, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH, May 2015, vol. 34, no 4, 1 p. [ DOI : 10.1145/2766893 ]

  • 10A. Jung, S. Hahmann, D. Rohmer, A. Begault, L. Boissieux, M.-P. Cani.

    Sketching Folds: Developable Surfaces from Non-Planar Silhouettes, in: ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 2015, vol. 34, no 5, pp. 155:1–155:12.

  • 11H. Liu, U. Vimont, M. Wand, M.-P. Cani, S. Hahmann, D. Rohmer, N. J. Mitra.

    Replaceable Substructures for Efficient Part-Based Modeling, in: Computer Graphics Forum, 2015, vol. 34, no 2, pp. 503 - 513. [ DOI : 10.1111/cgf.12579 ]

  • 12P.-Y. Rabattu, B. Massé, F. Ulliana, M.-C. Rousset, D. Rohmer, J.-C. Léon, O. Palombi.

    My Corporis Fabrica Embryo: An ontology-based 3D spatio-temporal modeling of human embryo development, in: Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2015, vol. 6, no 36. [ DOI : 10.1186/s13326-015-0034-0 ]

  • 13D. Rohmer, S. Hahmann, M.-P. Cani.

    Real-Time Continuous Self Replicating Details for Shape Deformation, in: Computers and Graphics, 2015, vol. 51, pp. 67-73, Shape Modeling International SMI'15.

  • 14C. Schreck, D. Rohmer, S. Hahmann, M.-P. Cani, S. Jin, C. C. Wang, J.-F. Bloch.

    Non-smooth developable geometry for interactively animating paper crumpling, in: ACM Transactions on Graphics, December 2015, vol. 35, no 1, pp. 10:1-10:18. [ DOI : 10.1145/2829948 ]

  • 15M. Tournier, M. Nesme, B. Gilles, F. Faure.

    Stable Constrained Dynamics, in: ACM transactions on Graphics, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH, August 2015, vol. 34, no 4, Article No. 132. [ DOI : 10.1145/2766969 ]


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 16A. Barbulescu, G. Bailly, R. Ronfard, M. Pouget.

    Audiovisual Generation of Social Attitudes from Neutral Stimuli, in: Facial Analysis, Animation and Auditory-Visual Speech Processing, Vienne, Austria, September 2015.

  • 17C. Bouchard, M. Nesme, M. Tournier, B. Wang, F. Faure, P. Kry.

    6D Frictional Contact for Rigid Bodies, in: Graphics Interface, Halifax, Canada, June 2015.

  • 18Q. Galvane, M. Christie, C. Lino, R. Ronfard.

    Camera-on-rails: Automated Computation of Constrained Camera Paths, in: ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games, Paris, France, November 2015.

  • 19Q. Galvane, R. Ronfard, M. Christie.

    Comparing film-editing, in: Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2015.

  • 20Q. Galvane, R. Ronfard, C. Lino, M. Christie.

    Continuity Editing for 3D Animation, in: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Austin, Texas, United States, AAAI Press, January 2015.

  • 21M. Guay, R. Ronfard, M. Gleicher, M.-P. Cani.

    Adding dynamics to sketch-based character animations, in: Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBIM) 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, Proceedings of sketch-based interfaces and modeling, June 2015.

  • 22K. Jordao, P. Charalambous, M. Christie, J. Pettré, M.-P. Cani.

    Crowd Art: Density and Flow Based Crowd Motion Design, in: Motion In Games, Paris, France, November 2015.

  • 23T. Lejemble, A. Fondevilla, N. Durin, T. Blanc-Beyne, C. Schreck, P.-L. Manteaux, P. G. Kry, M.-P. Cani.

    Interactive procedural simulation of paper tearing with sound, in: Motion In Games (MIG), Paris, France, November 2015.

  • 24R. Malgat, B. Gilles, D. I. Levin, M. Nesme, F. Faure.

    Multifarious Hierarchies of Mechanical Models for Artist Assigned Levels-of-Detail, in: ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, Los Angeles, United States, August 2015.

  • 25P.-L. Manteaux, W.-L. Sun, F. Faure, M.-P. Cani, J. F. O'Brien.

    Interactive Detailed Cutting of Thin Sheets, in: Motion In Games (MIG), Paris, France, November 2015.

  • 26B. Merabti, H.-Y. Wu, C. B. Sanokho, Q. Galvane, C. Lino, M. Christie.

    Insight: An annotation tool and format for film analysis, in: Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2015, 1 p. [ DOI : 10.2312/wiced.20151079 ]

  • 27E. Michel, A. Emilien, M.-P. Cani.

    Generation of Folded Terrains from Simple Vector Maps, in: Eurographics 2015 short paper proceedings, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2015, 4 p.

  • 28R. Ronfard, B. Encelle, N. Sauret, P.-A. Champin, T. Steiner, V. Gandhi, C. Migniot, F. Thiery.

    Capturing and Indexing Rehearsals: The Design and Usage of a Digital Archive of Performing Arts, in: Digital Heritage, Grenade, Spain, September 2015.

  • 29C. Schreck, D. Rohmer, S. Hahmann, M.-P. Cani.

    Interactively animating crumpling paper, in: womEncourage 2015, Uppsala, Sweden, September 2015.

  • 30T. Steiner, R. Ronfard, P.-A. Champin, B. Encelle, Y. Prié.

    Curtains Up! Lights, Camera, Action! Documenting the Creation of Theater and Opera Productions with Linked Data and Web Technologies, in: International Conference on Web Engineering ICWE 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands, International Society for the Web Engineering, June 2015.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 31J. Bateman, M. Christie, R. Ranon, R. Ronfard, T. Smith.

    Computer Generation of Filmic Discourse from a Cognitive/Affective Perspective, in: Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2015.

  • 32V. Gandhi, R. Ronfard.

    A Computational Framework for Vertical Video Editing, in: 4th Workshop on Intelligent Camera Control, Cinematography and Editing, Zurih, Switzerland, Eurographics, April 2015.

  • 33C. Schreck, D. Rohmer, S. Hahmann, M.-P. Cani.

    Animation interactive de papier froissé, in: Journées du Groupe de Travail de Modélisation Géométrique, Poitiers, France, April 2015.

  • 34C. Schreck, D. Rohmer, S. Hahmann, M.-P. Cani.

    Synthèse de son de papier adaptée au mouvement et à la géométrie de la surface, in: Journée de l'AFIG, Lyon, France, November 2015.

  • 35U. Vimont, D. Rohmer, M.-P. Cani.

    Déformation d’objet complexe par graphe d’interaction, in: GTMG - Groupe de Travail en Modélisation Géométrique, Poitiers, France, April 2015.


Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 36Geometric Modelling, Dagstuhl 2014 (Special Issue of Graphical Model Vol. 82), Graphical Models, Elsevier, Germany, 2015, vol. 82, no 1, pp. 43-180.

  • 37L. Allemand-Giorgis, G.-P. Bonneau, S. Hahmann.

    Piecewise polynomial Reconstruction of Scalar Fields from Simplified Morse-Smale Complexes, in: Topological Data Analysis, T. W. Hamish Carr (editor), Springer, 2016.



  • 38F. Boussuge, J.-C. Léon, L. Fine, S. Hahmann.

    Computer-assisted design method comprising a modeling step, March 2015, no WO 2015/036390 A1, 59 p.

  • 39J.-R. Chardonnet, J.-C. Léon.

    Interaction peripheral device capable of controlling an element for touching and grasping multidimensional virtual objects, January 2015, no US 20150009145 A1.


Other Publications

  • 40J.-M. Azaïs, F. Dalmao, J. León, I. Nourdin, G. Poly.

    Local universality of the number of zeros of random trigonometric polynomials with continuous coefficients, 2015, 26 pages.

  • 41A. Bauer, A. H. Dicko, O. Palombi, F. Faure, J. Troccaz.

    Living Book of Anatomy Project : See your Insides in Motion!, November 2015, http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2818466&picked=prox.

References in notes
  • 42K. Li, G. Foucault, J.-C. Léon, M. Trlin.

    Fast global and partial reflective symmetry analyses using boundary surfaces of mechanical components, in: Computer-Aided Design, August 2014, vol. 53, pp. 70-89. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cad.2014.03.005 ]

  • 43A. Shahwan, G. Foucault, J.-C. Léon, L. Fine.

    Deriving Functional Properties of Components from the Analysis of Digital Mock-ups, in: Engineering Computations, 2014, 16 p.
