Section: Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year
Marie-Paule Cani obtained the annual Chair of Informatics and Computational Sciences of the Collège de France in Paris. She organized a series of lectures about Shaping Imaginary Content: from 3D Digital Design to Animated Virtual Worlds and a symposium with 7 international invited speakers.
Remi Ronfard organized the EG Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing which was for the first time an Eurographics Workshops.
A demo of the Living Book of Anatomy (PhD work of Armelle Bauer) was presented in the Emerging Technologies exhibition at ACM SIGGRAPH Asia in November.
François Faure and Olivier Palombi are creating a new startup Anatoscope since November 2015 on Digital Anatomy for Personalized Healthcare.
We had 4 paper accepted to ACM SIGGRAPH [6] , [8] , [9] , [15] , and 2 accepted to ACM Transaction on Graphics (TOG) [10] , [14] , one has been presented at ACM SIGGRAPH Asia.