Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

Figure 1. Left: Symposium organised by Marie-Paule Cani at Collège de France. Middle Demo of the Living Book of Anatomy presented in the Emergin Technologies at ACM SIGGRAPH Asia. Right: Creation of the startup Anatoscope by Francois Faure and Olivier Palombi.
  • Marie-Paule Cani obtained the annual Chair of Informatics and Computational Sciences of the Collège de France in Paris. She organized a series of lectures about Shaping Imaginary Content: from 3D Digital Design to Animated Virtual Worlds and a symposium with 7 international invited speakers.

  • Remi Ronfard organized the EG Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing which was for the first time an Eurographics Workshops.

  • A demo of the Living Book of Anatomy (PhD work of Armelle Bauer) was presented in the Emerging Technologies exhibition at ACM SIGGRAPH Asia in November.

  • François Faure and Olivier Palombi are creating a new startup Anatoscope since November 2015 on Digital Anatomy for Personalized Healthcare.

  • We had 4 paper accepted to ACM SIGGRAPH [6] , [8] , [9] , [15] , and 2 accepted to ACM Transaction on Graphics (TOG) [10] , [14] , one has been presented at ACM SIGGRAPH Asia.