Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Anatole Lécuyer:

  • Master AI: “Haptic Interaction and Brain-Computer Interfaces”, 6h, M2, Ecole Polytechnique, FR

  • Master MNRV: “Haptic Interaction”, 9h, M2, ENSAM, Laval, FR

  • Master SIBM: “Haptic and Brain-Computer Interfaces”, 4.5h, M2, University of Rennes 1, FR

  • Master CN: “Haptic Interaction and Brain-Computer Interfaces”, 9h, M1 and M2, University of Rennes 2, FR

  • Master SIF: “Pseudo-Haptics and Brain-Computer Interfaces”, 6h, M2, University of Rennes 1, FR

Bruno Arnaldi:

  • Master INSA Rennes: “VRI: Virtual Reality and Multi-Sensory Interaction Course”, 4h, M2, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: “CG: Computer Graphics”, 12h, M2, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: “Virtual Reality”, courses 6h, projects 16h, M1 and M2, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: Projects on “Virtual Reality”, 20h, M1, INSA Rennes, FR

Ferran Argelaguet:

  • Master STS Informatique: “Techniques d'Interaction Avancées”, 26h, M2, ISTIC, University of Rennes 1, FR

  • Master SIF: “Virtual Reality and Multi-Sensory Interaction”, 8h, M2, University of Rennes 1, FR

  • Master SIF: “Data Mining and Visualization”, 2h, M2, University of Rennes 1, FR

Maud Marchal:

  • Master of Research in Computer Science: “Haptic rendering and physically-based simulation”, 4h, M2, University of Rennes 1, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: “Computer Graphics”, 26h, M1 and responsible of this lecture, INSA Rennes, FR

Valérie Gouranton:

  • Licence: “Introduction to Virtual Reality”, 22h, L2 and responsible of this lecture, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Licence: Project on “Virtual Reality”, 16h, L3 and responsible of this lecture, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: “Virtual Reality”, 16h, M2, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: Projects on “Virtual Reality”, 20h, M1, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master CN: “Virtual Reality”, 3h, M1, University of Rennes 2, FR

Ronan Gaugne:

  • INSA Rennes: Projects on “Virtual Reality”, 24h, L3, Insa Rennes, FR

  • Master Digital Creation: “Virtual Reality”, 6h, M1, University of Rennes 2, FR

Guillaume Moreau:

  • Dean of studies, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, FR

  • Virtual Reality Major, “C++ Programming for VR”, 30h, M1/M2, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, FR

  • Virtual Reality Major, “Fundamentals of Virtual Reality”, 6h, M1/M2, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, FR

  • Virtual Reality Major, “Computer Graphics”, 4h, M1/M2, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, FR

  • Virtual Reality Major, “Advanced Software Development”, 20h, M1/M2, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, FR

  • Computer Science Major, “Discrete Mathematics”, 10h, M1/M2, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, FR

Jean-Marie Normand:

  • Virtual Reality Major, “Computer Graphics”, 24h, M1/M2, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, FR

  • Virtual Reality Major, “Fundamentals of Virtual Reality”, 14h, M1/M2, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, FR

  • Virtual Reality Major, “Computer Vision and Augmented Reality”, 26h, M1/M2, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, FR

  • Virtual Reality Major, “Advanced Concepts”, 24h, M1/M2, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, FR

  • Virtual Reality Major, “Projects on Virtual Reality”, 20h, M1/M2, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, FR


  • PhD: Hakim Si-Mohammed, “Design and Study of Interactive Systems based on Brain Computer Interfaces and Augmented Reality”, INSA de Rennes, Defended December 3rd, 2019, Supervised by Anatole Lécuyer, Géry Casiez (Mjolnir, Inria) and Ferran Argelaguet

  • PhD in progress: Hadrien Gurnel, “Assistance robotisée d’insertion d’aiguille par comanipulation”, Started in October 2016, Supervised by Alexandre Krupa (Rainbow, Inria) and Maud Marchal

  • PhD in progress: Antonin Bernardin, “Interactive physically-based simulation of dexterous manipulation for robot understanding”, Started in September 2017, Supervised by Maud Marchal and Christian Duriez (Defrost, Inria)

  • PhD in progress: Xavier de Tinguy, “Haptic manipulation in virtual environments”, Started in September 2017, Supervised by Maud Marchal, Claudio Pacchierotti (Rainbow, Inria) and Anatole Lécuyer

  • PhD in progress: Rebecca Fribourg, “Perception and interaction with and via avatars”, Started in September 2017, Supervised by Ferran Argelaguet, Ludovic Hoyet (Mimetic, Inria) and Anatole Lécuyer

  • PhD in progress: Romain Lagneau, “Data-driven models for dexterous manipulation of robots”, Started in Septembre 2017, Supervised by Maud Marchal and Alexandre Krupa (Rainbow, Inria)

  • PhD in progress: Flavien Lécuyer, “Interactive digital introspection methods for archeology”, Started in September 2017, Supervised by Valérie Gouranton, Grégor Marchand (CNRS UMR CREAAH) and Bruno Arnaldi

  • PhD in progress: Guillaume Bataille, “Natural interactions with IoT using VR/AR”, Started in October 2017, Supervised by Valérie Gouranton, Danielle Pelé and Jérémy Lacoche (Orange Labs) and Bruno Arnaldi

  • PhD in progress: Etienne Peillard, “Improving Perception and Interaction in Augmented Reality”, Started in October 2017, Supervised by Guillaume Moreau, Ferran Argelaguet, Anatole Lécuyer and Jean-Marie Normand

  • PhD in progress: Romain Terrier, “Presence of self and others in a collaborative virtual environment”, Started in October 2017, Supervised by Valérie Gouranton, Nico Pallamin (b<>com), Cédric Bach (HDG) and Bruno Arnaldi

  • PhD in progress: Mathis Fleury, “Neurofeedback based on fMRI and EEG”, Started in November 2017, Supervised by Anatole Lécuyer and Christian Barillot (Visages, Inria)

  • PhD in progress: Tiffany Luong, “Affective VR: acquisition, modelling, and exploitation of affective states in virtual reality”, Started in February 2018, Supervised by Anatole Lécuyer, Marc Diverrez (b<>com), Ferran Argelaguet

  • PhD in progress: Hugo Brument, “Towards user-adapted interaction techniques based on human locomotion laws for navigating in virtual environments”, Started in October 2018, Supervised by Ferran Argelaguet, Maud Marchal and Anne-Hélène Olivier (MimeTIC, Inria)

  • PhD in progress: Diane Dewez, “Avatar-Based Interaction in Virtual Reality”, Started in October 2018, Supervised by Anatole Lécuyer, Ferran Argelaguet and Ludovic Hoyet (MimeTIC)

  • PhD in progress: Victor Rodrigo Mercado Garcia, “Encountered-type haptics”, Started in October 2018, Supervised by Maud Marchal and Anatole Lécuyer

  • PhD in progress: Guillaume Vailland, “Outdoor wheelchair assisted navigation: reality versus virtuality”, Started in November 2018, Supervised by Valérie Gouranton and Marie Babel (Rainbow, Inria)

  • PhD in progress: Gwendal Fouché, “Immersive Interaction and Visualization of Temporal 3D Data”, Started in October 2019, Supervised by Ferran Argelaguet, Charles Kervrann (Serpico Team) and Emmanuelle Faure (Mosaic Team).

  • PhD in progress: Adelaide Genay, “Embodiment in Augmented Reality”, Started in October 2019, Supervised by Anatole Lécuyer, Martin Hachet (Potioc, Inria)

  • PhD in progress: Martin Guy, “Physiological markers for characterizing virtual embodiment”, Started in October 2019, Supervised by Guillaume Moreau, Jean-Marie Normand and Camille Jeunet (CNRS, CLEE)

  • PhD in progress: Grégoire Richard, “Touching Avatars: The role of haptic feedback in virtual embodiment”, Started in October 2019, Supervised by Géry Casiez (Loki, Inria), Thomas Pietzrak (Loki, Inria), Anatole Lécuyer and Ferran Argelaguet

  • PhD in progress: Sebastian Vizcay, “Dexterous Interaction in Virtual Reality using High-Density Electrotactile Feedback”, Started in November 2019, Supervised by Ferran Argelaguet, Maud Marchal and Claudio Pacchierotti (Rainbow, Inria)


  • Anatole Lécuyer was Referee for the PhD Theses of Justine Saint-Aubert (ISIR-UPMC), Geoffrey Gorisse (ENSAM), Léa Pillette (Univ. Bordeaux), Examiner for the PhD Thesis of Mélodie Fouillen (Inserm Lyon), Grégoire Cattan (GIPSA-Lab), and Examiner for the HDR Thesis of Sinan Haliyo (ISIR-UPMC).

  • Bruno Arnaldi was Referee for the PhD Theses of Rémi Lacaze-Labadie (UTC Compiègne) and Nicolas Muller (IRIT, Toulouse), external reviewer for the PhD defense of Alexandre Kabil (IMT Atlantique - Brest) and member for the PhD Defense of Hakim Si Mohammed (INSA Rennes).

  • Guillaume Moreau was external reviewer for the PhD defense of Nicolas Muller (IRIT, Univ. Toulouse), Alice Guerville-Ballé (Univ. Pau), Jason Rambach (Univ. Kaiserslautern, DE), president of the committee for Thibaud Toullier (IFSTTAR, Univ. Rennes), Nam Duong Duong (IRT b<>com, Centrale-Supelec).

  • Jean-Marie Normand was examiner for the PhD Thesis of Geoffrey Gorisse (ENSAM).