Section: Dissemination
Articles and contents
France Inter: Interview of Anatole Lécuyer in the broadcast "Du vent dans les synapses" (November 2019)
France TV: Interview of Guillaume Moreau and Jean-Marie Normand in "Télématin"
“Technoférence Humain Augmenté”: Presentation from Rebecca Fribourg (Nantes, January 2019)
“Made by DV-Group”: Event organized by Rennes Metropole about “VR and Cinema”, presentations and demos from Ferran Argelaguet (Rennes, February 2019)
“Laval Virtual 2019”: Demos of FIVE/SEVEN software (March 2019)
“Journées Nationales de l’Archéologie”: Demos made by Ronan Gaugne and Valérie Gouranton (Champs Libres, Rennes, June 2019)
“Journées Européennes du Patrimoine”: Conference and Demos made by Ronan Gaugne and Valérie Gouranton (Musée des Beaux Arts, Rennes, September 2019)
“Festival Demain/Maintenant” : Presentation from Anatole Lécuyer (Rennes, October 2019)
“Fête de la Science” 2019 : Presentation from Anatole Lécuyer (Saint-Louis, October 2019)
“Journée Science et Musique” : Demos made by Florian Nouviale, Ronan Gaugne and Valérie Gouranton (Rennes, October 2019). Rebecca Fribourg and Diane Dewez also participated in the organization of the event.
“Festival du Livre du Var” 2019 : Presentation from Anatole Lécuyer (Toulon, November 2019)
“Digital Design Days” 2019 : Presentation from Ronan Gaugne (Milano, Italy, November 2019)
Internal action
Inria/IRISA “VR Hackathon” 2019: Hackathon (20 participants) organized by Hybrid team and open to all members of Inria Rennes center (May 2019).
“20 years of Immersia”: Event organized by Inria Rennes/IRISA center, with presentations from Anatole Lécuyer and Bruno Arnaldi, and demos made by Florian Nouviale and Ronan Gaugne (November 2019).
Creation of media or tools for science outreach
The ANR-FRQSC INTROSPECT project produced a transparent 3D printing of the content of an Egyptian mummy cat from a CT scan. The mummy is part of the collection of the Musée des Beaux-Arts of Rennes. The 3D printing is permanently exhibited in the Museum, next to the real mummy (Figure 21)
The immersive VR application of the LSI project developped during the hosting of the invited professor Franz Fischnaller from Albertina Accademy of Fine Arts around the Last Supper painting of Lenonardo da Vinci was deployed and exhbited in the Deep Space 8K of the Ars Electronica center in Linz, Austria (Figure 22).