Section: Overall Objectives

Highlights of the Year


- Stéphanie Lefevre has received the Best student paper award at IEEE Intelligent Vehicle conference 2012. The research work has been done in the scope of the PhD thesis of Stéphanie Lefevre (Cooperation Renault) supervised by Christian Laugier and Javier Ibanez-Guzman. Paper reference: S. Lefevre, C. Laugier, I. Ibanez-Guzman. “Risk assessment at road intersections: Comparing Intention and Expectation”, in IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, Alcalia de Henares, Spain, June 2012.

- Christian Laugier has received the IEEE/RSJ IROS Harashima Award for innovative technologies 2012 for his "contributions to embedded perception and driving decision for Intelligent Vehicles".

New major partnerships:

- The e-Motion project-team has won (in cooperation with the CNRS laboratories LAAS and ISIR) a major partnership with Taiwan in the scope of the call for “International Excellence Laboratories” (I-RiCE program) launched by the National Science Council (NSC) of Taiwan. The laboratory is hosted by the National University of Taiwan, it is supported for 5 years, and the collaborative research is focusing on Human centered Robotics.

- Establishment of a new strategic partnership focusing onto the “software / hardware integration for a robust and efficient perception in dynamic environments”. A first long term project named “Perfect” involving the CEA LETI and ST-Microelectronics has been launched in the scope of the IRT (Technological Research Institute) Nano. A more focused project involving the CEA LETI and several regional companies (Probayes, Calao, Delta Drone, ST-Ericson, Semitag) has been recently submitted.

- Toyota has renewed his long-term collaborative research agreement with the e-Motion project-team for 4 years (including a PhD grant for addressing the “Autonomous Driving" topic).