Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • INSA Lyon 5th year : O. Simonin, Resp. of the Robotics option (25 students): AI for Robotics, Multi-Robot Systems, Robotics Projects, 90h, M2, Telecom Dept., France.

  • INSA Lyon 3rd year : O. Simonin, Resp. of Introduction to Algorithmics, 32h (100 students), L3, Telecom Dept., France.

  • INSA Lyon 3rd year : Jilles S. Dibangoye, Algorithmics, 24h, L3, Dept. Telecom INSA Lyon, France.

  • INSA Lyon 3rd year : Jilles S. Dibangoye, WEB, 42h, L3, Dept. Telecom INSA Lyon, France.

  • INSA Lyon 3rd year : Jilles S. Dibangoye, Operating Systems, 56h, L3, Dept. Telecom INSA Lyon, France.

  • INSA Lyon 4rd year : Jilles S. Dibangoye, Operating Systems, 16h, Master, Dept. Telecom INSA Lyon, France.

  • INSA Lyon 5th year : Jilles S. Dibangoye, the Robotics option : AI for Robotics, Robotics projects, 8h, M2, Dept. Telecom INSA Lyon, France.

  • M2R MoSIG: A. Martinelli, Autonomous Robotics, 12h, ENSIMAG Grenoble.

  • Master : Laetitia Matignon, Multi-Agents and Self-* Systems, 10h TD, M2 Artificial Intelligence, Lyon 1 University, France.

  • Master : Laetitia Matignon, Multi-Robot Systems, 20h TD, 5th year of engineer, Polytech Lyon Informatics Department, France.

  • CPE Lyon 4-5th year : F. Jumel, resp. of the Robotics option, 400h M1/ M2, Dept. SN CPE Lyon France.

  • CPE Lyon 4-5th year : F. Jumel, 250h (robotic vision, cognitive science, Interface robot machine, deeplearning, Robotic frameworks, robotic plateforms, Kalman Filter)


  • PhD: David Sierra Gonzalez, Towards Human-Like Prediction and Decision-Making for Automated Vehicles in Highway Scenarios, Université Grenoble Alpes, Defended April 1st 2019, C. Laugier, J. Dibangoye, E. Mazer (Inria Pervasive Interaction).

  • PhD: Pavan Vasishta, Building and Leveraging Prior Knowledge for Predicting Pedestrian Behaviour Around Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Environments, Université Grenoble Alpes, Defended September 30th 2019, A. Spalanzani and D. Vaufreydaz (Inria Pervasive Interaction).

  • PhD: Mathieu Barbier, Decision making for Intelligent Vehicles, Defended December 11st 2019, C. Laugier, O. Simonin and E. Mazer (Inria Pervasive Interaction).

  • PhD in progress: Mihai Popescu, Robot fleet mobility under communication constraints, O. Simonin, A. Spalanzani, F. Valois (CITI/Inria Agora).

  • PhD in progress: Guillaume Bono, Global-local Optimization Under Uncertainty for Goods Distribution Using a Fleet of Autonomous Vehicles, 2016, O. Simonin, J. Dibangoye, L. Matignon.

  • PhD in progress: Remy Grunblatt, Mobilité contrôlée dans les réseaux de drones autonomes", 2017, I. Guerrin-Lassous (Inria Dante) and O. Simonin.

  • PhD in progress: Maria Kabtoul, Proactive Navigation in dense crowds, A. Spalanzani and P. Martinet (Inria Chorale).

  • PhD in progress: Benoit Renault, Navigation coopérative et sociale de robots mobiles en environnement modifiable, O. Simonin and J. Saraydaryan.

  • PhD in progress: Edward Beeching, Large-scale automatic learning of autonomous agent behavior with structured deep reinforcement learning, C. Wolf, O. Simonin and J. Dibangoye.

  • PhD in progress: Manon Prédhumeau, Crowd simulation and autonomous vehicle, A. Spalanzani and J. Dugdale (LIG).

  • Starting PhD: Luiz Serafim-Guardini, Conduite Automobile Autonome : Utilisation de grilles d'occupation probabilistes dynamiques pour la planification contextualisée de trajectoire d'urgence à criticité minimale, A. Spalanzani, C. Laugier, P. Martinet (Inria Chorale).

  • Starting PhD: Alexandre Bonnefond, Large-scale automatic learning of autonomous agent behavior with structured deep reinforcement learning, O. Simonin and I. Guerrin-Lassous (Inria Dante).

  • Starting PhD: Estéban Carvalho, Safe and aggressive piloting of UAVs, 2019, Ahmad Hably (Gipsa-Lab), Nicolas Marchand (Gipsa-Lab), Jilles S. Dibangoye.



  • O. Simonin was reviewer and member of the defense committee of the HDR of Charles Lesire (ONERA-ISAE), INP Toulouse, "Architectures délibératives pour la robotique autonome, des algorithmes au logiciel embarqué", March 5th, 2019.

  • O. Simonin was reviewer and member of the defense committee of the HDR of Abbas-Turki Abdeljalil (UTBM), Université de Haute-Alsace, "Méthodes, modèles et outils pour la régulation coopérative : Application aux véhicules autonomes et connectés", December 10th, 2019.

PhD thesis :

  • A. Spalanzani was reviewer and member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of José Mendes Filho, école nationale supérieure de techniques avancées, December 19th, 2019.

  • O. Simonin was reviewer and member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of Nicolas Cambier, Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC), October 23th, 2019.

  • O. Simonin was reviewer and member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of Christophe Reymann, INSA Toulouse, July 8th, 2019.

  • O. Simonin was member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of Rustem Abdrakhmanov, Université Clermont Auvergne, June 27th, 2019.

  • O. Simonin was member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of Bilel Chenchana, Université de Limoges, March 22th, 2019.

  • Jilles S. Dibangoye was member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of Jonathan Cohen, Univ. Caen, June 13th 2019.

  • C. Laugier and J. Dibangoye were members of the defense committee and co-supervisor of the PhD thesis of David Sierra Gonzalez, UGA Grenoble, April 1st 2019.

  • C. Laugier and O. Simonin were members of the defense committee and co-supervisor of the PhD thesis of Mathieu Barbier, UGA Grenoble, December 11th 2019.