Section: Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year
Laetitia Matignon, Associate Professor at Université de Lyon and LIRIS Lab has obtained an Inria delegation to join the Chroma team (half-time).
Stephane d'Alu, research engineer at CITI lab., has joinded the team for one year, half-time.
Christian Laugier is a co-author with A. Broggi, A. Zelinski and U. Ozguner, of the chapter "Intelligent Vehicles" of the 2nd edition of the "Hanbook of Robotics" edited by B. Sicilano and O. Khatib and published in July 2016.
A new collaboration has been built with the team of Gabriella Czibula, from University of Babes-Bolyai in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. We obtained a bilateral french-romanian PHC project, called DRONEM, to support the collaboration for the period 2017-2018.
A new collaboration has been built with the Volvo Group in Lyon, through the co-supervision of the PhD thesis of Guillaume Bono funded by the INSA-Volvo Chair.
A new collaboration has been built with the GIPSA Lab in Grenoble and the team of Gerard Bailly (CNRS), through the co-supervision of the PhD thesis of Remi Cambuzat funded by the Region.
The Chroma team has been reconducted for 2017 as a Nvidia CUDA lab, for his work related to "embedded perception and autonomous vehicles".
A new Research contract on "robust sensor fusion involving vision data" has been signed with Toyota Motor Europe in 2016. The results have been patented by Inria and Toyota.
The results obtained in the scope of the Research contract on "autonomous driving" have been patented by Inria, Insa and Toyota.
Acquisition of a Pepper robot, funded by INSA de Lyon and CITI-Inria lab., and acquisition of 4 Crazyflies robots, funded by the CITI lab.