Section: Research Program
The Chroma team aims to deal with different issues of autonomous mobile robotics : perception, decision-making and cooperation. Figure 1 schemes the different themes and sub-themes investigated by Chroma.
We present here after our approaches to address these different themes of research, and how they combine altogether to contribute to the general problem of robot navigation. Chroma pays particular attention to the problem of autonomous navigation in highly dynamic environments populated by humans and cooperation in multi-robot systems. We share this goal with other major robotic laboratories/teams in the world, such as Autonomous Systems Lab at ETH Zurich, Robotic Embedded Systems Laboratory at USC, KIT (Karlsruhe Institut fur Technologie) (Prof Christoph Stiller lab and Prof Ruediger Dillmann lab), UC Berkeley, Vislab Parma (Prof. Alberto Broggi), and iCeiRA (International Center of Excellence in Intelligent Robotics and Automation Research.) laboratory in Taipei, to cite a few. Chroma collaborates at various levels (visits, postdocs, research projects, common publications, etc.) with most of these laboratories, see Section 9.3.