2000 Inria teams activity reports

The Inria's Research Teams produce an annual Activity Report presenting their activities and their results of the year. These reports include the team members, the scientific program, the software developed by the team and the new results of the year. The report also describes the grants, contracts and the activities of dissemination and teaching. Finally, the report gives the list of publications of the year.


  1. a3 - a3 PDF
  2. acacia - acacia PDF
  3. adp - adp PDF
  4. aid - Action : AID - aid PDF
  5. aida - aÏda PDF
  6. air - PROJET : AIR - air PDF
  7. aladin - aladin PDF
  8. algo - algo PDF
  9. apache - apache PDF
  10. arenaire - arenaire PDF
  11. ariana - ariana PDF
  12. armor - armor PDF
  13. atoll - atoll PDF


  1. bip - bip PDF


  1. cafe - cafÉ PDF
  2. caiman - projet : CAIMAN - caiman PDF
  3. calligramme - calligramme PDF
  4. caps - caps PDF
  5. caravel - caravel PDF
  6. certilab - Action : CERTILAB - certilab PDF
  7. chir - Action : CHIR - chir PDF
  8. codes - PROJET : CODES - codes PDF
  9. comore - comore PDF
  10. compose - compose PDF
  11. conge - conge PDF
  12. contraintes - Action : CONTRAINTES - contraintes PDF
  13. cortex - Avant-projet : CORTEX - cortex PDF
  14. cosi - cosi PDF
  15. cristal - cristal PDF


  1. ecoo - ecoo PDF
  2. eiffel - eiffel PDF
  3. epatr - ep-atr PDF
  4. epidaure - epidaure PDF
  5. estime - estime PDF
  6. exmo - Action : EXMO - exmo PDF


  1. fractales - fractales PDF


  1. gamma - gamma PDF


  1. helix - Action : HELIX - helix PDF
  2. hipercom - hipercom PDF


  1. i3d - Avant-i3d PDF
  2. icare - icare PDF
  3. idopt - idopt PDF
  4. imagis - imagis PDF
  5. imedia - Avant-projet : IMEDIA - imedia PDF
  6. index - INRIA : RA2000 : INDEX (not available)
  7. is2 - is2 PDF
  8. isa - isa PDF


  1. lande - lande PDF
  2. langue_et_dialogue - led (not available)
  3. led - led PDF
  4. lemme - lemme PDF
  5. logical - logical PDF


  1. m3n - m3n PDF
  2. macs - macs PDF
  3. macsi - macsi PDF
  4. maia - Action : MAIA - maia PDF
  5. mascotte - mascotte PDF
  6. mathfi - mathfi PDF
  7. merlin - merlin PDF
  8. metalau - metalau PDF
  9. meval - meval PDF
  10. miaou - miaou PDF
  11. mimosa - Action : MIMOSA - mimosa PDF
  12. mistral - mistral PDF
  13. moscova - moscova PDF
  14. movi - movi PDF


  1. numath - projet : NUMATH - numath PDF
  2. numopt - numopt PDF


  1. oasis - oasis PDF
  2. omega - omega PDF
  3. ondes - ondes PDF
  4. opera - opera PDF
  5. orion - orion PDF
  6. orpailleur - Action : ORPAILLEUR - orpailleur PDF


  1. pampa - pampa PDF
  2. paragraphe - paragraphe PDF
  3. paris - paris PDF
  4. parole - parole PDF
  5. planete - projet : PLANETE - planete PDF
  6. polka - polka PDF
  7. prisme - prisme PDF
  8. protheo - protheo PDF


  1. remap - remap PDF
  2. resedas - resedas PDF
  3. robotvis - robotvis PDF
  4. romans - Action : ROMANS - romans PDF


  1. saga - saga PDF
  2. sharp - sharp PDF
  3. siames - siames PDF
  4. sigma2 - projet : SIGMA2 - sigma2 PDF
  5. sinus - sinus PDF
  6. sirac - sirac PDF
  7. solidor - solidor PDF
  8. sosso - sosso PDF
  9. sysdys - sysdys PDF


  1. temics - temics PDF
  2. tick - Action : TICK - tick PDF
  3. trec - Avant-projet : TREC - trec PDF
  4. trio - Avant-projet : TRIO - trio PDF
  5. tropics - projet : TROPICS - tropics PDF


  1. vasy - vasy PDF
  2. verso - verso PDF
  3. vista - vista PDF