2004 Inria teams activity reports

The Inria's Research Teams produce an annual Activity Report presenting their activities and their results of the year. These reports include the team members, the scientific program, the software developed by the team and the new results of the year. The report also describes the grants, contracts and the activities of dissemination and teaching. Finally, the report gives the list of publications of the year.


  1. acacia - Acquisition des Connaissances pour l'Assistance à la Conception par Interaction entre Agents PDF XML
  2. aces - Ambient Computing and Embedded Systems PDF XML
  3. adage - Applying Discrete Algorithms to GEnomics Algorithmique Discrète et ses Applications à la GÉnomique PDF XML
  4. adept - Asynchronous Distributed Environments, Protocols, and Time PDF XML
  5. alchemy - Architectures, Languages and Compilers to Harness the End of Moore Years PDF XML
  6. alcove - Interacting with complex objects in collaborative virtual environments PDF XML
  7. algo - Algorithms PDF XML
  8. algorille - Algorithms for the Grid PDF XML
  9. anubis - Tools of automatic control for scientific computing, Models and Methods in Biomathematics PDF XML
  10. aoste - Models and Methods for the Analysis and Optimization of Systems with Real-time and Embedded Constraints PDF XML
  11. apache - Algorithmique Parallèle, Programmation et Répartition de Charge PDF XML
  12. apics - Analysis and Problems of Inverse type in Control and Signal processing PDF XML
  13. ares - Architecture de réseaux de services PDF XML
  14. ariana - Inverse Problems in Earth Observation and Cartography PDF XML
  15. arles - Software Architectures and Distributed Systems PDF XML
  16. armor - Architectures et Modèles de Réseaux PDF XML
  17. artis - Acquisition, Representation and Transformations for Image Synthesis PDF XML
  18. arénaire - Computer Arithmetic PDF XML
  19. aspi - Applications statistiques des systèmes de particules en interaction PDF XML
  20. atlas - Complex Data Management in Distributed Systems PDF XML
  21. atoll - Atelier d'Outils Logiciels pour le Langage naturel PDF XML
  22. axis - User-Centered Design, Improvement and Analysis of Information Systems PDF XML


  1. bang - Biomédical, Analyse Numérique et Géophysique PDF XML
  2. bipop - Modeling, Simulating, Controlling Non-Regular Dynamical Systems PDF XML


  1. café - Calcul Formel et Équations PDF XML
  2. caiman - Calcul scientifique, modélisation et analyse numérique PDF XML
  3. calligramme - Linear Logic, Proof Nets and Categorial Grammars PDF XML
  4. calvi - Calcul Scientifique et Visualisation PDF XML
  5. caps - Compilation, architectures des processeurs superscalaires et spécialisés PDF XML
  6. cassis - Combinaison d'Approches pour la Sécurité des Systèmes InfiniS PDF XML
  7. clime - Couplage de la données environnementale et des modèles de simulation numérique pour une intégration logicielle PDF XML
  8. codes - Codage et cryptographie PDF XML
  9. comore - Modelling and Control of Renewable Resources PDF XML
  10. complex - Evolution Artificielle et Fractales PDF XML
  11. compsys - Compilation and Embedded Computing Systems PDF XML
  12. comète - Concurrence, Mobilité et Transactions PDF XML
  13. conge - Contrôle géométrique des systèmes non linéaires PDF XML
  14. contraintes - Constraint Programming PDF XML
  15. coprin - Constraints solving, OPtimization, Robust INterval analysis PDF XML
  16. cordial - Man-machine oral and multimodal communication PDF XML
  17. corida - Contrôle Robuste des Systèmes Infini-Dimensionnels et Applications PDF XML
  18. cortex - Neuromimetic Intelligence PDF XML
  19. cosivie - COuplage de modèles pour la SImulation numérique de problèmatiques enVIronnementalEs PDF XML
  20. cristal - Type-safe programming, modularity and compilation PDF XML


  1. dart - Dataparallelism for Real-Time PDF XML
  2. demar - DEambulation et Mouvement ARtificiel PDF XML
  3. distribcom - Distributed and Iterative Algorithms in Management and Signal Processing for Telecommunications PDF XML
  4. dolphin - Discrete multi-objective Optimization for Large scale Problems with Hybrid dIstributed techNiques PDF XML
  5. dream - Diagnosis, REcommending Actions and Modeling PDF XML


  1. e-motion - Geometry and Probability for Motion and Action PDF XML
  2. ecoo - Middleware for supporting cooperative work through Internet PDF XML
  3. eiffel - Cognition and Cooperation in Design PDF XML
  4. epidaure - Epidaure, Projet Images, Diagnostic AUtomatique, RobotiquE PDF XML
  5. espresso - Environnement de spécification de programmes réactifs synchrones PDF XML
  6. estime - Parameter Estimation and Modeling in Heterogeneous Media PDF XML
  7. evasion - Virtual environments for animation and image synthesis of natural objects PDF XML
  8. everest - Environnements de vérification et sécurité du logiciel PDF XML
  9. exmo - Computer-mediated communication of structured knowledge PDF XML


  1. galaad - Géométrie, Algèbre, Algorithmes PDF XML
  2. gamma - Génération Automatique de Maillages et Méthodes d'Adaptation PDF XML
  3. gemo - Management of Data and Knowledge Distributed Over the Web PDF XML
  4. geometrica - Geometric Computing PDF XML
  5. grand-large - Calcul parallèle et distribué à grande échelle PDF XML
  6. gyroweb - Dynamic graphs and large networks PDF XML


  1. helix - Informatics and genomics PDF XML
  2. hipercom - HIgh PERformance COMmunication PDF XML


  1. i3d - 3D Interaction PDF XML
  2. icare - Instrumentation, Commande et Architecture des Robots Évolués PDF XML
  3. idopt - Systems optimization and identification in physics and environment PDF XML
  4. imara - Informatique, Mathématiques et Automatique pour la Route Automatisée PDF XML
  5. imedia - Images and Multimedia : Indexing, Retrieval and Navigation PDF XML
  6. in-situ - Interaction Située PDF XML
  7. iparla - Visualization and interaction for complex data, on mobile and connected devices PDF XML
  8. ipso - Invariant Preserving Solvers PDF XML
  9. isa - Models, algorithms and geometry for computer graphics and vision PDF XML


  1. jacquard - Weaving of Software Components PDF XML


  1. l&d - Langue et Dialogue PDF XML
  2. lagadic - Visual servoing in robotics, computer vision, and computer animation PDF XML
  3. lande - Logiciel : ANalyse et DEveloppement PDF XML
  4. lear - Learning and Recognition in Vision PDF XML
  5. lemme - Software and mathematics PDF XML
  6. logical - Logic and Calculus PDF XML


  1. macs - Modeling, Analysis and Control for Computational Structural Dynamics PDF XML
  2. macsi - Modeling, Analysis and Control of Industrial Systems PDF XML
  3. madynes - Management of Dynamic Networks and Services PDF XML
  4. maestro - Models for Performance Analysis and Control of Networks PDF XML
  5. maia - MAchine Intelligente Autonome PDF XML
  6. mascotte - Méthodes Algorithmiques, Simulation et Combinatoire pour l'OpTimisation des TElécommunications PDF XML
  7. mathfi - Financial Mathematics PDF XML
  8. maxplus - Algèbres max-plus et mathématiques de la décision/Max-plus algebras and mathematics of decision PDF XML
  9. mere - Modelling and Water Ressources PDF XML
  10. merlin - Methods for Interactive Software Ergonomics PDF XML
  11. metalau - Méthodes, algorithmes et logiciels pour l'automatique PDF XML
  12. metiss - Modélisation et Expérimentation pour le Traitement des Informations et des Signaux Sonores PDF XML
  13. micmac - Methods and Engineering of Multiscale Computing from Atom to Continuum PDF XML
  14. mimosa - Migration et Mobilité: Sémantique et Applications PDF XML
  15. mirages - Object Manipulation in Image Sequences for Augmented Reality and Special Effects PDF XML
  16. mistis - Modelling and Inference of Complex and Structured Stochastic Systems PDF XML
  17. modbio - Computational Models in Molecular Biology PDF XML
  18. moscova - Mobility, Security, Concurrency, Verification and Analysis PDF XML
  19. mosel - Proof-oriented development of computer-based systems PDF XML
  20. mostrare - Modeling Tree Structures, Machine Learning, and Information Extraction PDF XML
  21. movi - Computational models for computer vision PDF XML


  1. oasis - Objets Actifs, Sémantique, Internet et Sécurité PDF XML
  2. obasco - OBjects, ASpects, and COmponents PDF XML
  3. odyssee - Biological and Computer Vision PDF XML
  4. omega - Méthodes numériques probabilistes pour les équations aux dérivées partielles et les mathématiques financières PDF XML
  5. ondes - Modeling and Simulation of Wave Propagation Phenomena PDF XML
  6. opale - Optimization and Control, Numerical Algorithms and Integration of Multidisciplinary Complex P.D.E. Systems PDF XML
  7. orion - Intelligent Environments for Problem Solving by Autonomous Systems PDF XML
  8. orpailleur - Extraction de connaissances PDF XML


  1. paris - Programming Parallel and Distributed Systems for Large Scale Numerical Simulation Applications PDF XML
  2. parole - Analysis, Perception and speech recognition PDF XML
  3. phoenix - Programming Language Technology For Communication Services PDF XML
  4. planÈte - Protocoles et Applications pour l'Internet PDF XML
  5. pop art - Programming and OPerating Systems for Applications in Real-Time PDF XML
  6. pops - System & Networking for Portable Objects Proved to be Safe PDF XML
  7. preval - Probabilités, modélisation et évaluation de systèmes PDF XML
  8. prima - Perception, recognition and integration for interactive environments PDF XML
  9. protheo - Constraints, Mechanized Deduction and Proofs of Software Properties PDF XML
  10. proval - Proof of programs PDF XML


  1. qgar - Querying Graphics Through Analysis and Recognition PDF XML


  1. r2d2 - Reconfigurable and Retargetable Digital Devices PDF XML
  2. rap - Réseaux, Algorithmes et Probabilités PDF XML
  3. regal - Resource management in large scale distributed systems PDF XML
  4. reo - Numerical simulation of biological flows PDF XML
  5. reso - Optimized protocols and software for high performance networks PDF XML
  6. reves - Rendering and Virtual Environments with Sound PDF XML
  7. runtime - Efficient Runtime Systems for Parallel Architectures PDF XML


  1. s4 - System Synthesis and Supervision, Scenarios PDF XML
  2. sage - Simulations and Algorithms on Grids for Environmental Applications PDF XML
  3. salsa - Solvers for ALgebraic Systems and Applications PDF XML
  4. sardes - System Architecture for Reflective Distributed Computing Environments PDF XML
  5. scalapplix - High Performance Schemes and Algorithms for Complex Scientific Applications PDF XML
  6. scilab - Equipe opérationnelle du consortium Scilab PDF XML
  7. secsi - Sécurité des systèmes d'information PDF XML
  8. select - Model Selection and Statistical Learning PDF XML
  9. siames - Image Synthesis, Animation, Modeling and Simulation PDF XML
  10. signes - Linguistic signs, grammar and meaning: computational logic for natural language PDF XML
  11. sisthem - Statistical Inference for STructural HEalth Monitoring PDF XML
  12. smash - Simulation, Modelization and Analysis of Heterogeneous Systems in mechanical engineering PDF XML
  13. smis - Secured and Mobile Information Systems PDF XML
  14. sosso2 - Applications and tools for automatic control PDF XML
  15. spaces - Solving Problems through Algebraic Computation and Efficient Software PDF XML
  16. sydoco - SYstèmes Dynamiques, Optimisation et Commande Optimale PDF XML
  17. symbiose - SYstèmes et Modèles BIOlogiques, BIOinformatique et SEquences PDF XML


  1. tanc - Théorie algorithmique des nombres pour la cryptologie PDF XML
  2. tao - Thème apprentissage et optimisation PDF XML
  3. temics - TraitEment, Modélisation d'Images et CommunicationS PDF XML
  4. texmex - Efficient Exploitation of Multimedia Documents: Exploring, Indexing and Searching in Very Large Databases PDF XML
  5. trec - Network Theory and Communications PDF XML
  6. trio - Temps Réel et InterOpérabilité (Real Time and InterOperability) PDF XML
  7. triskell - Model Driven Engineering for Component Based Software PDF XML
  8. tropics - Transformations et Outils Informatiques pour le Calcul Scientifique PDF XML


  1. vasy - Validation of Systems PDF XML
  2. vertecs - Verification models and techniques applied to the Testing and Control of reactive Systems PDF XML
  3. visages - Vision Action et Gestion d'informations en Santé PDF XML
  4. vista - Vision Spatio-Temporelle et Apprentissage PDF XML


  1. wam - Web, Adaptation and Multimedia PDF XML